The Academy day was updated in March 2025. The timetable for each year group can be found below to help your child transition into the new school day. We hope these are useful whether your child is new to the Academy or returning into a new year.
The Academy is open to students during term time from 8.10am to 4pm (39+ hours per week) with breakfast available for all students between 8.10 and 8.25am.
Compulsory lessons for students start at 8.30am and the end of the day is 3pm, unless your child has a Period 6 Activity or Lesson - Period 6 Activities are timetabled once a week for students in Years 7, 8 & 9 (32.5 hours per week or 33.5 hours per week for students in Years 7, 8 & 9).
My Academy Day