Students rise to the £50 Challenge

17 May 2024

The £50 Challenge is all about Samworth Church Academy students helping themselves to get the most out of life!


We challenged our students to raise £50 each to go towards Academy+ and help fund projects like:

  • Project Flavour 

  • Work Experience

  • Project Can Do

  • Music For All

  • Brilliant Club

  • Duke of Edinburgh

Well done to our students who rose to the challenge! Here are just a few of our brilliant young people who did their bit for Academy+:



Have our fundraising superstars inspired you?

There's still time to complete the £50 Challenge. Students have until the end of the Summer Term to fundraise and donate their £50 challenge. Get some more ideas here.


Want to share your £50 Challenge story?

Contact the Academy+ team here.


Get more out of your school days with Academy+.

Tags: News Academy+ fundraising
