From September our Year 7 students will begin a new and exciting curriculum giving them the opportunity to learn in a stimulating and innovative way.


At The Samworth Church Academy we believe that creating the right learning environment for our Year 7 students will be essential in their development as motivated, independent learners with the skills to prepare them for a future in the 21st century. For this reason we have decided to follow a competency-based curriculum founded on the principles of the Opening Minds competency curriculum from the Royal Society of Arts(RSA).  At the Academy the year 7 curriculum will combine the subjects of History, Geography, PSHE, Citizenship, RE, Technology, Business and Enterprise which will be taught focusing strongly on Literacy and ICT. Students will still follow regular classes for other subjects including Numeracy, Science, Languages, Art, Performing Arts, PE and Outdoor Education but these will be taught with a cross-curricular focus where possible. Delivering subjects through project based work will enable the students to explore topics in much more depth and will allow them to take responsibility for their learning whilst working individually or in groups.

